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David Pogue to talk climate change at Bedford Playhouse

Join David Pogue — CBS Sunday Morning correspondent, seven-time Emmy winner, and author of “How to Prepare for Climate Change” — for a Bedford 2030 Community Climate Conversation at the Bedford Playhouse.

It’s a talk about the bright side of the climate crisis. Pogue will share 10 reasons to feel hopeful — and 10 actions you can take right now to help turn things around in our community. 

The Community Climate Conversation, presented in partnership with Bedford 2030, will be held Thursday, Jan. 23, from 7 to 8:15 p.m., at the Bedford Playhouse, located at 633 Old Post Road, Bedford. For tickets and more information, visit

Model train show on display in Bedford Hills through Jan. 28

The Bedford Hills Historical Museum is hosting a “New Model Train Show” on the lower level of the Town of Bedford building located at 321 Bedford Road, Bedford Hills.

The display is open Thursday and Saturday through Jan. 28, from 1 to 3 p.m. 

Visitors can see the HO Gauge model trains run on the track in the village that was built by the late Dr. Robert Bibi of Katonah and donated by his wife, Maria, and reinstalled at the museum. With the guidance of our board member and train aficionado, Rick Carmichael, members of the Olde Newburgh Model Railroad Club installed the HO-gauge set at the museum where it remains on display. 

The museum says the new model train display is great for kids of all ages and adults, and it’s free of charge.

Eat. Shop. Explore Bedford


New cell tower proposed to fill in coverage gap

A balloon test conducted in April shows the tower location near Route 35 and the Cross River Reservoir. COURTESY TOWN OF BEDFORD


A proposal for a new cell tower to fill a coverage gap in Katonah was among the agenda items at Monday’s planning board meeting. The board also heard once again about the plan to expand the American Legion hall in Katonah.

Homeland Towers proposal

Prior to being brought to the planning board, the proposal was on the agenda at the Nov. 7 town board meeting. At that time, Supervisor Ellen Calves explained the reason for the proposal was to fill a coverage gap that exists along Route 35 and Route 22. She said the town’s wireless working group had studied possible sites, one of which was on the property of the Katonah American Legion Post 1575, and determined that the location on New York City Department of Environmental Protection land near the Cross River Dam provided the best coverage.

Town board member Tom Catoliato, who is a member of the wireless working group, said the site would provide the best coverage they could get in a location that was unobtrusive and ideally situated. Calves said they did not need to take any action, but she wanted to bring it to everyone’s attention.

At the planning board meeting, the board declared itself lead agency for the environmental quality review, and approved a motion to hold a public hearing on the proposal Monday, Dec. 9.

The proposed location, at 1 Maple Avenue, Bedford, is on an easement controlled by the town on DEP land alongside the Cross River Reservoir, on a service driveway off Route 35. According to the application, the facility involves the construction of a wireless telecommunications structure consisting of a 130-foot-tall stealth monopine type tower, designed to support up to four antenna levels. The design will include a “dense non-uniform branching pattern with branches ranging in length from approximately 6 feet to 10 feet and in sufficient density to substantially conceal the antenna arrays and associated equipment, and help blend the structure with the visual characteristics of the surrounding woodland landscape.” 

The application further states the antenna arrays will be covered in an earth tone green textured sleeve to further camouflage equipment; monopine branching will extend to the 130-foot elevation; and 5-foot-long topper branches will be added at the 130-foot elevation for aesthetic purposes.

A balloon test had been conducted in April, and photos from the test were included in the application, which is accessible as part of support documents for the meeting agenda on the town website,

Katonah American Legion Post 1575 

Architect Dave Barbuti returned to the planning board, to which he had already presented the proposal for an addition to the Katonah American Legion Post located at 136 Jay St., Katonah, on Oct. 28.

At that time, the board had not been able to take any action because the application needed to go before the zoning board of appeals first.

Barbuti explained that on Nov. 6, the ZBA granted the two variances that were requested.

The board quickly passed a motion to approve a revised special use permit, and then granted final site plan approval for the proposed deck enclosure.

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