The Recorder welcomes Letters to The Editor of 300 words or less, preferably on local matters. Letters will be considered for publication on our website and in our weekly print edition. The deadline for submissions is Tuesday at noon for consideration in the weekly print edition.
Please note these other guidelines:
Letters may be edited for clarity and length, and will be published at the discretion of the Editor.
Please provide the source attribution for all factual statements or claims in the form of links or documentation.
Submissions must include an address or community affiliation and a contact phone number.
Anonymous letters will not be published.
Letter submissions by the same author are permitted no less than every 30 days to encourage a broad range of views. The author may respond to another letter sooner if that letter mentions them or their original submission.
We do not publish letters endorsing or criticizing local businesses.
You may submit a letter by either uploading a Word or Google Doc, or entering the text of your letter in the box below.
Please include documentation or links for any factual claims.
The Recorder welcomes story suggestions, news tips, calendar event listings, and press releases from area residents, businesses, schools, religious institutions and community organizations.
Uploading a Word or Google Doc, or enter the text of your letter in the box below.
As a community service, The Recorder offers to publish obituaries and news of other personal milestones such as births and wedding announcements online and in the next available print issue at no cost. Photos are encouraged. Free obituaries are edited to our news standards. Families may also purchase paid obituaries, which appear as submitted and can be approved prior to publication. For price quotes and other information about paid obituaries, email our advertising department.