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David Pogue to talk climate change at Bedford Playhouse

Join David Pogue — CBS Sunday Morning correspondent, seven-time Emmy winner, and author of “How to Prepare for Climate Change” — for a Bedford 2030 Community Climate Conversation at the Bedford Playhouse.

It’s a talk about the bright side of the climate crisis. Pogue will share 10 reasons to feel hopeful — and 10 actions you can take right now to help turn things around in our community. 

The Community Climate Conversation, presented in partnership with Bedford 2030, will be held Thursday, Jan. 23, from 7 to 8:15 p.m., at the Bedford Playhouse, located at 633 Old Post Road, Bedford. For tickets and more information, visit

Model train show on display in Bedford Hills through Jan. 28

The Bedford Hills Historical Museum is hosting a “New Model Train Show” on the lower level of the Town of Bedford building located at 321 Bedford Road, Bedford Hills.

The display is open Thursday and Saturday through Jan. 28, from 1 to 3 p.m. 

Visitors can see the HO Gauge model trains run on the track in the village that was built by the late Dr. Robert Bibi of Katonah and donated by his wife, Maria, and reinstalled at the museum. With the guidance of our board member and train aficionado, Rick Carmichael, members of the Olde Newburgh Model Railroad Club installed the HO-gauge set at the museum where it remains on display. 

The museum says the new model train display is great for kids of all ages and adults, and it’s free of charge.

Eat. Shop. Explore Bedford


Letters to the Editor: Week of Sept. 27

A plea for civility and promoting the common good in Pound Ridge

To the Editor: 

I am writing to make a plea for civility and for the kind of civic engagement that promotes the common good.

Since the last local election in Pound Ridge, the tone of many letters to the editor, social media posts, and other kinds of public discourse has grown increasingly vitriolic, accusatory, and disconnected from reality. 

It has been disheartening to hear fellow residents repeat unfounded allegations and conspiracy theories with no basis in fact. It has been even more distressing to watch a few misguided individuals devote considerable effort to activities that waste public resources. 

For example, in recent months, one resident has bombarded the town clerk’s office with over 25 FOIL requests that are nothing but fishing expeditions for evidence of imagined malfeasance. 

Another has filed a lawsuit against the town that is based on a fallacy and filled with false accusations. Time spent responding to harassing FOIL requests is time that can’t be devoted to projects that would enhance resident services and make public information more accessible.

Taxpayer dollars wasted defending frivolous lawsuits can’t be directed to meeting actual needs, like an adequate facility for our police department or a new senior bus. 

Attacks and negativity accomplish nothing. There are so many other things we can do that are more constructive, like asking questions, seeking to understand, and proposing alternative solutions. 

Diversity of opinion is a good thing; reckless comments based on rumor and hearsay are not. 

We Pound Ridgers are all neighbors. We’re in this together. We need to do better. 

Erin Trostle 

Pound Ridge 

Erin Trostle is the Pound Ridge town clerk


Join the conversation

The Recorder welcomes Letters to The Editor of 300 words or less, preferably on local matters. Letters will be considered for publication on our website and in our print edition. The deadline for submissions is Tuesday at noon for consideration in the weekly print edition. Please email, or visit our reader submissions page here.

Please note these other guidelines:

  • Letters may be edited for clarity and length, and will be published at the discretion of the Editor. 

  • Please provide the source attribution for all factual statements or claims in the form of links or documentation. 

  • Submissions must include an address or community affiliation and a contact phone number. 

    Anonymous letters will not be published. 

  • Letter submissions by the same author are permitted no less than every 30 days to encourage a broad range of views. The author may respond to another letter sooner if that letter mentions them or their original submission. 

  • We do not publish letters endorsing or criticizing local businesses. 

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